The phrase the middle of may is an example of weegy. Weegy: The middle ear of the human ear contains the eardrum. The phrase the middle of may is an example of weegy

Weegy: The middle ear of the human ear contains the eardrumThe phrase the middle of may is an example of weegy  Expert Answered

The phrase " the middle of may" is an example of . B. B. Sentence structure refers to the physical nature of a sentence and how the elements of that sentence are presented. alliteration. Alliteration is a literary device that uses. Log in for more information. Weegy: The function of a capacitor in an electric circuit is. Weegy: Militarism is a common feature in the ideology of fascism. Question. |Score . assonance. Weegy: The technique of using words with the same vowel sound is assonance. chevron down. . Updated 1/25/2021 2:03:17 AM. assonance. Author's Purpose Basics. B. Updated 2 days ago|8/10/2023 8:12:32 AM. metaphor The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Updated 8/2/2020 1:43:40 PM. B. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. alliteration. In "Paul's Case," Paul goes to work early because he liked looking at the pictures in the art gallery. illustration/example d. Expert answered|emdjay23|Points 247100| Log in for more information. simile. assonance. More. You are given 15 seconds to answer. Asked 2/24/2020 12:25:02 AM. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Weegy: A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. ), past participles ( gone, read, seen, walked, etc. C. 0. B. consonance. The first letter of an alliterative word need not be the same; only the first sound must be the same. D. Question. The phrase the middle of may is a example of what? The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Score 1 User: Similes and metaphors are both considered types of Weegy: Similes and metaphors are both considered types of figurative language. D. Weegy: The repeated use of the "o" sound in "A host, of golden daffodils" is called Assonance. assonance. metaphor. it’s an alliteration. The phrase "the middle of May " is an example of A. consonance. Score 1 User: Which one of the following sentences is an example of a metaphor? A. Add an answer or comment. metaphor. Weegy: The rare earth elements include the lanthanide series and the actinide series. Expert answered|Jozeal|Points 70421|. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Weegy: I am a rock, is an example of a metaphor. d. Score 1. User: "Foam brightens like the dogwood now" is an example of Weegy: Foam brightens like the dogwood now" is an example of SIMILE. consonance. New answers. Weegy: The cell is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. Weegy: Personify means represent (a quality or concept) by a figure in human form. [smile] User: The factor that affects how easily an electron can be removed from an atom is the A. D. Expert-Verified Answer question No one rated this answer yet — why not be the first? 😎 OlanmaE report flag outlined The phrase "the middle of May" is an example. B. Asked 7/26/2018 1:43:30 PM. D. Question. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. metaphor. User: Which statements about a novel is accurate?Weegy: It typically has multiple themes that. O B. 006) ,c = 9. The phrase “middle of may” is an example of alliteration . C. 9569|jeifunk|Points 93043|The phrase ''the middle of May '' is an example of Metaphor Alliteration Consonance Assonance. alliteration C. Sequence words can be grouped based on how they show events in the beginning, middle, interruption, or end of a story. Lists. C. consonance. O C. Log in for more information. alliteration. The breeze blew the branches back and forth. alliteration. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. D. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Weegy: A single-celled zygote divides many time to produce enough cells to form a multicellular organism in a process called cell: proliferation. consonance. Expert answered|Ison. B. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. B. Score 1 User: Which of the following is an example of alliteration?A. D. alliteration. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of. Weegy: The following sentence is an example of a metaphor: I am a rock. User: Which element of the Treaty of Versailles exacerabted the great Depression globally?The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. User: Which verb would make this statement an example of personification? The cell phone. 8/13/2023 9:37:29 PM| 6 Answers. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of: alliteration. User: The phrase the middle of May is an example of Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. B. D. The wind whispered her name. Asked 12/12/2020 7:21:01 PM. |Score 1|maimai|Points 3580| User: the line i wandered lonely as a cloud Weegy: The line "I wandered lonely as a cloud" is an example of a simile. metaphor. There are no new answers. |Score . The flowers swayed back and. D. Weegy: When all parts of a circuit are composed of conducting materials, the circuit is said to be CLOSED. Consonance, alliteration, and assonance are all literary devices that utilize sound as a means of enhancing the emphasis, attention, significance, and importance of words. C. Updated 5/17/2021 7:35:11 AM. D. Weegy: Repeating consonant sounds, typically the last letter of a word, is a technique known as : Consonance. assonance. B. By sounding out the sentence and searching for terms with similar starting consonant sounds, you may identify alliteration in sentences in the easiest manner possible. User: A definition of formal poetry is verse that Weegy: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. The momentum is: 7200 kg-m/s Solution:. B. consonance. B. a metaphor. B. Weegy: If the frequencies of two component waves are 24 Hz and 20 Hz, they should produce 4 beats per second. consonance. run an advanced search. . sonnet. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. A phrase the middle of May is an example of. 9633. User: The concept of ambiguity in stories can be summed up with the statement, characters Weegy: The concept of ambiguity in stories can be summed up with the statement: "characters don't always live happily. |Score 1|debnjerry|Points 72811| User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Question. User: What is personification? Weegy: Personification means attributing an inanimate (non-living) object human traits and qualities, such as emotions, desires, sensations, physical gestures and speech. |Score . The phrase the middle of May is an example alliteration. 6|maimai|Points 3580| User: The line "l wandered lonely as a cloud" is an example of a Weegy: The line "I wandered lonely as a cloud" is an example of a simile. Log in for more information. There are no new answers. Score 1. MsAnyaForger. C. Expert answered|emdjay23|Points 221507| Log in for more information. The music was incredibly loud, and Sheila loved every song. Weegy: Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler would most likely be written in first person. metaphor. 0 Answers/Comments. D. alliteration Weegy: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. Rating. Sentences that require a variation often repeat subjects, lengths, or types. alliteration. D. assonance. alliteration. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. compare two unlike things. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Weegy: DIvide means: to separate into two or more parts, areas, or. C. User: The final two lines of Shakespeare’s “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day ” promises the subject of his sonnet?Weegy: The final two lines of Shakespeare's "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day " promises the. C. User: If the gene for a trait is carried on. Score 1 User: In "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day " Shakespeare claims that the object of his sonnet will be immortal because A. . Question. |Score 1|maimai|Points 3580| Log in for more information. assonance. Log in for more information. Weegy: The greenhouse effect is the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without this atmosphere. D. Weegy: Blank verse is poetry written with regular metrical but unrhymed lines, almost always in iambic pentameter. consonance B. O B. Updated 1/25/2021 2:03:17 AM. B. metaphor. Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. I am a rock. User: If a wave has a wavelength of 9 meters and a period of 0. C. assonance. The words may be appropriate in some cases, but also may be used in a way that, paradoxically, hints at the students’ lack of original thinking. Question. Weegy: The cell is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. The phrase “the middle of May” is an example of. assonance. the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or. illustration/example d. ? Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Updated 12/12/2020 5:15:12 AM. This conversation has been flagged as incorrect. Updated 12/25/2020 5:14:52 PM. Question. Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. C. The wind whispered her name. assonance. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. consonance. There are no new answers. consonance. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Drink to me only with thine eyes B. consonance. The nine English reflexive pronouns are myself, yourself, himself, herself, oneself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves. Question. The phrase "the middle of May " is an example of A. User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Score 1 User: Similes and metaphors are both considered types of Weegy: Similes and metaphors are both considered types of figurative language. Asked 12/12/2020 7:21:01 PM. B. B. assonance. Sequence words used at the beginning of a story include 'first' and 'at the. Weegy: Bernice's haircut is an example of. User: The phrase the middle of May is an example of Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Updated 1/25/2021 2:03:17 AM. wavelength = wave velocity / frequency ,wavelength = c / f , 9 = c/(1/. consonance. Weegy: The Federalist Papers was used by Federalists to help ratify the Constitution. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. Question|Asked by Gemstone813. Sad was the chatter B. The wind whispered her name. B. C. The phrase"the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Added 9/5/2020 8:35:35 PM. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. C. • C. metaphor. Weegy: The technique of using words with the same vowel sound is: Assonance. Weegy: All of the following are forms of radiation except stabilizing rays. Score 1 User: The line "I wandered lonely as a cloud" is an example of a • A. B. There are no comments. The straw man logical fallacy is the distortion of an opponent’s argument to make it easier to refute. c. The wind whispered her name. Weegy: Glucose (C6H12O6) is a simple sugar. B. New answers. alliteration. alliteration. Expert answered|capslock|Points 16244|. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. Weegy: In "Young Goodman Brown," Hawthorne reveals his feelings about his Puritan ancestors when the dark man reveals that he helped Brown's forebears persecute others. " Example: "Thou. Weegy: A current relationship is one that is active now. Straw man logical fallacy example. Weegy: "Danced" would make this. D. User: the good guy should always win is an example of a/an Weegy:" The good guy always win" is an example of universal truth. C. Question|Asked by schaefer. Weegy: The temperature 288 K converted to degrees Celsius is 15 C. |Score . . assonance. User: The concept of ambiguity in stories can be summed up with the statement, characters Weegy: The concept of ambiguity in stories can be summed up with the statement: "characters don't always live happily ever after. Log in for more information. Expert answered|Score 1|Wallet. half of may. - is the main difference between a metaphor and a simile. boolean logic search. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Expert answered|Score 1|Wallet. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines B. User: 3. Updated 10/29/2018 5:55:09 AM. C. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Question|Asked by Gemstone813. Log in for more information. 0 Answers/Comments. 16/2022 9:19:13 PM. consonance. Weegy: Water enters the roots, gets transported through the stem,. Updated 32 days ago|3/10/2023 4:31:57 PM. Search for an answer or ask. metaphor. Asked 2/24/2020 12:25:02 AM. There are no new answers. |Score . The phrase the middle of May is an example alliteration. Weegy: Conducts heat readily, is a characteristic of a metal. metaphor. B. Updated 43 days ago|8/10/2023 8:12:32 AM. User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of. " This. D. metaphor. assonance Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. C. metaphor. assonance. Weegy: Typically, books written in third person have unlimited access to. consonance. alliteration. alliteration. Weegy: Repeating the last letter or sound in a word is a technique known as: consonance. Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Comments The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. B. wavelength = wave velocity / frequency ,wavelength = c / f , 9 = c/(1/ 0. Add an answer or comment. D. alliteration. rhyme. D. The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. . in mid-may. Question|Asked by Gemstone813. D. " "Driving to the beach. ? Weegy: Similes and metaphors are both considered types of figurative language. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. alliteration. Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. Weegy: The middle ear of the human ear contains the eardrum. |Score . 9569|jeifunk|Points 93043| User: The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. D. D. New answers. assonance Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of alliteration. D. New answers. Weegy: Generally speaking, novels have: multiple settings. Asked 7/26/2018 1:43:30 PM. Lindsey was exhausted she had not gotten enough sleep for weeks. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of A. C. alliteration. Weegy: Horror, fantasy, and comedy are all subgenres of novels. The phrase "the middle of May" is an example of alliteration. alliteration. Score 1 User: Which one of the following phrases is an example of consonance?A. assonance. C.